Sunday, November 15, 2020

Week 5 - International Kindness Day

 Lots of girls in Room 11 have been busy making the most giant loom band snakes.  On Friday it was International Kindness Day so I decided that we could all learn how to make loom bands.  One for us and one for a friend.  The leaders of Sulize, Rose, Siaan, Yvonne, Katie and Emily T took a small group each (including me) and taught us how to use the loom bands.  Gosh it was so much fun...

Week 5 - Room 11 Student Volunteer Army

Follow the link above to learn more about the Student Volunteer Army

Week 5 - Chub Chub the millipede

This is Chub Chub the millipede.  He measures over 13m long.

Caleb watched Mystery Doug and learnt how to make a centipede.

He then spent his Golden Time and mornings working with Ronaldo to make a 8m long millipede which he took home.

Caleb, Ronaldo and Logan decided to make another even longer millipede that would reach from 1 side of the classroom to the other.  

Every morning they worked hard to make the millipede with help sometimes from some other children. They then used the m ruler to measure how long he is.

Chub Chub is amazing and if you want to see him he is crawling over the lines in Room 11.

Week 4 - Halloween colouring in competition winners

 So what does a teacher do when the colouring in competition she gave her class closed not long after she gave it to the class... have her own prize winners of course.

Week 4 - Athletics winners

 Congratulations to Henry for first in the 60m and 100m sprints.  Jett for 3rd place.  Millie also placed in the top 3.  Good luck for group day!

Week 4 - Creating habitats in the playground

Sulize and Emily found a snail.  They decided to create it a home in the playground complete with a pool and garden.  By the time we came out to take the photo the snail had moved on but the girls were still happy with what they had done.


Week 3 - 5 Inquiry through Play

 Here are some photos of the children over the past few weeks enjoying Inquiry through Play.  This is a lovely time in Room 11 where the children decide what they would like to play...  I am the photographer and the creator of a safe space for them to develop the key competencies which are part of our New Zealand curriculum.

Key competencies are the capabilities people have, and need to develop, to live and learn today and in the future.

The New Zealand Curriculum identifies five key competencies:

  • Thinking
  • Relating to others
  • Using language, symbols, and texts
  • Managing self
  • Participating and contributing
Millie, Rose and Katie loved making fortune tellers.  Millie made the smallest one and then they cooperated to make a giant sized fortune teller..

Sometimes children will hear about something on the news and then have to recreate it in their play to make sense of it...

I love the creativity by this time of the year in the play.

I have watched Nate develop in his play over the year.  He began the year making towers by himself that were small.  Through the year the towers have got bigger and more elaborate.  He has now started to include other equipment and even give the towers names.  This week for the first time he invited Angela into tower making.  Look at the creation they made together...

What happens when you empty the blocks out of a box?  Well by this time of the year you get really creative and make a car...

Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever

  Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog.  I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...