Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Week 3: Maui and the Sun Art

Pop in and see the beautiful How Maui Slowed the Sun Art.
Image result for maui and the sun

Week 3: Inquiry through Play

Week 3: Statistics

The children have been learning all about Statistics.  They have learnt how to collect data, make picture, bar and PIE graphs.  They are currently working on a statistical investigation where they have been and surveyed another class to find out their favourite pizza topping.  They are now using the data to make some graphs.  Then they will write about their findings...  When their investigations are finished I will publish them here so you can see all the hard work...

Week 2: OREO persuasive writing challenge

We have started learning all about persuasive writing.  This week the children had to persuade me to let them have an OREO biscuit.  They did some amazing writing.

Here are some of my favourite lines from their writing...

Needless to say they all persuaded me and here they are with their OREO.

Week 2: Yay I still have more amazing readers in Room 11!

Week 1: Another happy Hell's Pizza Wheel person

Week 1: Sewing

This term the children in Room 11 are visiting the other middle school teachers to learn all about the ARTS.  This week they worked with Mrs Massey to do some sewing.  They did such an amazing job...

Term 3! Here we go...

Image result for welcome back to term 3

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Have a great holidays!

Image result for School holidays

Week 10 Assembly

End of Term fun times PJ, movies and popcorn!

What happens to water in the sun?

For our last science experiment for the term the children were curious to know what happens to water on the playground after it has rained.  We went outside and tipped some water on the concrete.  Then we drew around it. Just happened to make a giraffe... then we waited.

We went back out a bit later and wow the water had gone. We had a fantastic discussion about where the water went. Then we learnt a new word...
Have a look at this clip if you want to learn more...

More Hell's Pizza Wheels heading home

Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever

  Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog.  I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...