Sunday, July 30, 2017

100 Days Celebration

Week 1 Selfie Holiday writing

We have been so busy this week writing, editing and finally publishing about our holiday.  Mrs Massey chose the format of taking a selfie and writing a social media update to match it. Here are some examples but make sure you check out our ‘Room 11 Writing’ wall for more awesome work...
20170727_105901.jpg  20170727_105914.jpg


Calendar Art from Term 2

Have a look at the amazing calendar art we created with the help of Mrs Massey.

Speech Finalists

Congratulations to Olivia and Dallas H for representing 
Room 11 at the Middle School Speech morning.

Also a big congratulations to Max, 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Create it and Share it

We are now at the end of our 'What Happens Next' inquiry and we have learnt so much. 

For our create it and share it part of the inquiry we decided to make bread.  We discussed how the solid ingredients mixed with the liquid ingredients and the yeast then made a chemical reaction.  The children could explain so much about this process. 

I brought in my bread maker and let the magic happen.  


We had some delicious bread to share with jam, honey or marmite on it.  I think the children liked it... What do you think?



Thank you everyone for your awesome effort to help your children practice their speeches overnight on Monday.  I was so proud of everyone of them getting up to share their speech.

Our overall winners were Olivia and Dallas H who have gone on to share their speech with the middle school.

Here is a photo of all the children practicing before they got up to present their speech...

Does every liquid make baking soda fizz?

Wow  Room 11 has had a fantastic term learning about 'What happens next'.  This experiment was all about whether every liquid makes baking soda fizz.  The children thought it was hilarious that they made what looked like little eggs.

We were fascinated to see that soya sauce also bubbled a bit...


Matariki Korowai

This is a very special korowai that we made together.  

The children and I got 2 feathers that looked the same as everyone else's and we had to make them unique and different just like each of us.  We brainstormed a list of words that were how we would like to be in Room 11 such as kind, caring, inquisitive, imaginative, thoughtful, brave, etc.  We wrote 3 words on each feather that we would like to aspire to be for the second half of the year.  The words at the top are out school motto.

We are so proud of our Korowai and it is now hanging in our classroom where everyone can see it when they come in.


Wacky Hair Day



Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever

  Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog.  I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...