Wednesday, April 11, 2018

NANO Girl Visit

Nano Girl came to visit Valley School today.  It was so fantastic.  She taught us all about SuperPowers... Here is a little peak of what we saw.

When we got back to class the children had the choice to write an imaginative story about if they had a super power or a recount about what they just saw.  I chose these three pieces of writing to share with you.

If I could teleport I wish I could go up the stairs without walking up the stairs.  I could teleport to the end of the race. I could teleport the car from place to place.  Like Africa, America, Asia, Auckland City and New York.  I could go on a ferry and plane. 

If I could go invisible I could get out of bed and eat all the chocolate.  If I was invisible I could rob all the oranges and eat them all.  If I could be invisible I would brush my teeth without letting anyone see me.  I can play mine-craft with no one seeing me playing on my Ipad.  That would be amazing because I could eat 5 LeSnacks in a day and a whole bottle of Coke Zero and L and P.  

Written by Jayden

NANO girl was AWESOME!  My favourite part was the invisible power.  I loved the Airzooka.  It was cool!  It was cool because the air was going in a circular motion.
Written by Joshua

One day I woke up and I saw in the mirror and my hair had turned pink.  My hair tie had a red heart.  I took my hair tie off and touched the red heart.  Suddenly I heard a big CRACK!!  I looked down.... B-b-b-b-b-b-but what happened to me.  I am flying!  Whoosh, whoosh went the wind.  I was getting higher and higher...
Written by Jeanne

Friday, April 6, 2018

A little video for you about digestion

Ok so I had a bit of fun...

Look at the awesome experiment we did today...

As part of our inquiry into digestion today we did this amazing
experiment.  You can click on the link below and
watch it again…

I have never heard so many children saying… eww...
that is disgusting… you made poo Mrs Massey…
Later I asked if they enjoyed the experiment and
they said it was the worst thing they have ever seen
but so cool!!

Here is our finished poo next to the normal baked beans…

Learning about the digestive system

Oh my gosh how fun is it to inquiry into the human body?  
Until today Room 11 had no idea that it could be
so interesting…

I set them the challenge to research the digestive
system using QR codes. (These still work if you have
a QR code reader on your phone or tablet)

How the digestive system works
The digestive system
Digestion Song

They could also use books…  Then they had to
make a 3D model of the digestive system.  
Here they are at the end of the day wearing their
digestive systems. Awesome learning!

Mufti-Day Twins

Apparently last night these wonderful girls were
texting about their outfits for mufti-day today.  
I think they look fantastic…

Hells Pizza Challenge Winners Week 10

Our first finished readers with their pizza voucher…

Get NZ Writing is finished for 2018

Our finished poster and finally everything is ready to
be sent off to Hanmer Springs School in Christchurch.

Found Poem

The next challenge on our Get NZ Writing was to write a
found poem.  We had to cut words out of magazines on a
theme and then put them together to make a poem.  

Wow who knew Room 11 could get so messy…

But the finished poems were fantastic…

Metaphor Poems

Mrs Massey signed up Room 11 onto the Get NZ Writing
challenge run by Warehouse Stationery.  We had a
fantastic chart to fill in with lots of information on it. Also
we had to do lots of writing.  We were took lots of care as
we were sending it to another school in NZ.

We had to learn about and write our own metaphors.
Here are our finished metaphors ready to be sent off…


Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever

  Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog.  I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...