Thursday, July 4, 2019

Week 10 - Paper Sculptures

As a final part to our unit on length for maths I set the children a paper sculpture task.

* every strip of paper must be measured in cm
* every strip of paper must be a different length
* no strip of paper must be stuck on the same way

What a fantastically fun activity for Room 11.  The thinking that they did to complete this activity was intense.  The children an I are so proud of the finished sculptures.

These are definitely something you should pop in and see in real life...

Week 10 - Room 11 are authors

The children have worked really hard over the last few weeks to write their own imaginary story.  I have taught them the Room 11  writers cycle.  

We will be using this lots more in Term 3 and 4. I typed their story finished into booklet form. They illustrated their book. The books are now in the classroom and the children are enjoying being able to read them during the day.

This has begun an interest in them writing their own books during free time and illustrating them.

Week 9 - Kapa Haka perform at Junior Assembly

I had such a proud teacher moment watching the wonderful Room 11 children perform as part of kapa haka.  Well done guys!

Week 9 - Room 11 leads Middle School Assembly

Wow we had the most fantastic presenters in the world!!  You two rocked!

Week 9 - Matariki Shared Lunch

Room 11 have been learning all about Matariki this week.  We will share a slide show of all the fun activities that we did but here is a little sneak preview of our delicious shared lunch.  Yum.  Bacon hock vegetable soup and home made bread.

Week 9 - Hell's Pizza Challenge Winners

Week 8 - Plays

This week was all about plays. The children worked really hard to learn the parts of a play to perform in front of Room 11.

While practicing their play they were also using the key competencies...

Participating and Contributing
* using their body and face as well as words to communicate.
* taking on different roles in a group.

Relating to Others
* Think about the effect their behaviour has on others.

Managing Self
* Listen carefully to others and show others I am listening.

Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever

  Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog.  I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...