Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Week 10 - Cross country writing

 The children have been very busy publishing their cross country descriptive paragraphs.  Here are a few to read...

Butterflies started to flutter as we lined up at the start of the cross-country.  When I was in the middle of the race I wanted it to be over.  My heart felt like it was going to pop out.  As I zipped past kids the wind was in my face.  I came through the shoot, and it was finally over. Whew!  Written by Zara

I did the x-country.  The great Mr Goulstone said "On your marks, get set, go!"  The breathtaking race began.  I wizzed down the hill and sprinted when I got to the top forest.  I'm almost there... I'm almost there.  Yay I came 8th!  Written by Caleb

Yesterday was the amazing cross-country.  When Mr Goulstone called the Year 4 boys there were butterflies in my stomach.  Mr Goulstone said go!  I zoomed off and I was mashed in some fast runners.  I was so tired when it was done.  I placed in 6th and Henry came 1st.  Written by Jett

I heard Mr Goulstone say line up.  My face turned bright red.  3...2...1 Go!  Before thinking I skidded around the corner.  I could see the glimmering playground disappear as I sped up the hill.  I could hear Hartly barking madly at everyone who ran past.  Halfway through the race my head started to spin like a hurricane.  Finally I could just see the finish line.  Yay!  I came 10th!  Written by Katie

3... oh no it's starting.  2... OK fine!  Go!  I zoomed off and got so close to Henry.  Arg, a stitch!  I managed to stay close to him.  I sprinted over the hill exhausted.  I saw Hartly and that gave me a boost.  A few mins later I was so close to being done.  What Stirling!  I saw mum!  This is for you mum!  I overtook Stirling as fast as lightening.  Yay!  I was 18th!  Written by Logan

I leapt out of bed and I knew it was cross-country.  I was scared to run but I still did it.  As I was running it got hotter and hotter.  It felt like I was on fire, but I wasn't!  When I finished I felt like I had succeeded! Written by Mia

My heart was pumping like a volcano, it felt like it was going to explode.  I sprinted across the field.  On my 2nd lap Mrs Davis shouted "Go Yvonne!"  I giggled.  Hartly was going wild.  I heard the middle school cheering Go Yvonne!  Written by Yvonne

Today I was scared because it was cross-country.  It took forever and finally it was the Year 3 boys race.  I bolted across the field.  My heart was beating so hard.  I thought it was going to pop!  Finally we finished.  I'm pretty sure I came 26th.  Henry came 1st!  Written by Lochie

I was nervous because people were shouting Endurance.  I saw the playground sing like bubbles.  When I was sprinting down the hill I saw Hartly barking, when I sped past.  Finally I finished.  I felt great but mostly exhausted for trying my best!  Written by Laithan

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