Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 15 - Day 19 - Easter Weekend

Hi everyone
I have decided after todays blog post I will stop posting each day as I will be thinking lots about how this learning from home is going to look.  I will still do the slideshow each week with lots of photos from you and I will also include some pictures of what I am up to as well.  I hope you have really enjoyed watching what my family and I have been doing over the past 3 weeks.  I am still here and I will be only an email away.  Take care and keep smiling.

Easter Weekend
We started our weekend with making our nephew a cool Easter Dragon and filling it with fun stuff.  He absolutely loved it.

Then on Sunday we had an Easter Egg hunt.  I made clues up using compass points.  My family had to follow the clues around our house and find the letters.  The looked around the backyard and to make the word caravan.  Then followed the clues to make the word kitchen.  Then followed more clues to make the word garage.  In the garage they followed lots of clues to find the hidden Easter eggs.  Here are some pictures of them enjoying their eggs.

I also made them some Easter cupcakes.  My family were very happy.  I hope you had a fantastic Easter...

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