Friday, September 11, 2020

Week 8 - Hartly comes to school

Hartly came to school on Monday and Tuesday this week.  He had such a great time in Room 11 although a little bit scared.  Here is some writing about him...

I am so HAPPY because Hartly came to visit Room 11.  First Hartly was shaking and shivering because he was scared, but then he got better.  He’s got the most cutest heart on his body.  I just want to hug him!  He once climbed into the back of the board and ate the feathers.  It made me giggle! Written by Katie

On Monday Mrs Massey brought her adorable and cute puppy to school.  If you do not know his name it is Hartly and he is a Jack Russell.  If you didn’t know this my nana has a Jack Russell too.  Hartly licked my hand.  I can’t wait to pat Hartly. By Ronan

Hartly is a tiny Jack Russell. I love how little Hartly has a heart, it makes him so special to us!  For a little pup he has a loud voice.  He howls like he is going to die!  The little puppy shivered like a big earthquake had arrived.  Hartly lay on Mrs Massey’s knees and fell asleep!  Sometimes he went into the whiteboard and ate the feathers! I can’t touch him because of parvovirus and he is 8 weeks old. I can’t wait till I can touch Hartly. Written by Emily T

Today Hartly came to visit, he was so cute!  But he whined and cried so much.  He was so distracting and so nervous.  Mrs Massey kept telling him he wasn’t going to die!   When we were working he sniffed my toe and donked my hand with his nose.  The only reason he is called Hartly is because he’s got a heart on the side of him.   That’s what happened when

Hartly came to visit.

Written by Nate

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