The children have been sharing all about their cultures and later in the blog I will share a slideshow. In class we have been learning what it means to be a Kiwi (New Zealander). We looked at kiwiana to learn more about the New Zealand culture.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Week 11 - Kiwiana Art
Week 11 - Travelwise Middle School Winners
Thank you so much for making changes to how you drop off and pick up your children each day. Because of your awesome support the children filled in the Travelwise chart. Today our class was drawn out to win the prize for the Middle School. We were so excited!
Week 11 - Nature Everyday
Room 11 is getting into Nature Everyday. Today we went outside to look at the rain and the children wrote in their nature notebook about the rain.
The children were watching the rain and Mason said "Did you know that when the rain drops hit the puddles they make a star shape and bubbles." We were fascinated and all crowded to have a look...
Week 10 - Prize winner
Congratulations Arlo for winning a trip to the Dinosaur Show. He has decided he is going to give his ticket away.
Week 10 - Harold
Room 11 were lucky to have Harold come and spend some time in our classroom. He had a fantastic time. Here he is hanging out with some friends reading some books using Epic on the i-pad.
Week 10 - Graphing
We have just started learning about statistics and the children had to ask a statistical question and produce a bar graph. Look at this great work!
Week 8 - Granny Groggin
This week in Daily 5 we have been reading the shared book called Granny Groggin. The children followed an art for kids hub to draw a spider and this is the awesome display.
Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever
Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog. I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...

Click on the link to our book... We are so proud of it!!! The Best Part of Me Room 11 book link
This week during Literacy we listened to the story of the Ugly Duckling. Here is a version of the story you might like to listen to again. ...
We have been learning about mediation. We learnt that conflict is a normal part of life. It is how we deal with it that is the most import...