The children have been working really hard to learn to keep a beat in music through last term and up till today. We have finally finished our unit and this is the end result. To play and instrument while singing and keeping a beat. I was so proud of them...
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Week 3 - Friday 21st May Pink Shirt Day
Today the whole school joined into support Pink Shirt Day. This is a worldwide initiative to stop bullying. Look at the clip below to learn more about it...
Week 3 - Storytime from Space
This week we listened to a new story read from the space station. The children were so excited to see that I had the same book as the astronaut.
Week 2 - Autumn Leaves Art and Cinquain Poem
Look at these beautiful pastel Autumn leaves. The children then wrote a cinquain poem to match.
This is how to write a cinquain poem.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Week 1 - Learning Self Control
What is self control?
It is being in charge of your thoughts, emotions, actions and words.
In Room 11 this week the children learnt all about self control by sitting really still while Mrs Massey blew bubbles all over them. Someone sat so still they even caught one on their finger.
Week 1 - Basketball
Middle School is so lucky this term. We get 2 basketball sessions. Gosh the kids have some awesome skills...
Week 11 - Who am I
The children have worked really hard at home to share who they are. They brought many different things to school to share and then on Friday we had a shared lunch. Here is a presentation about their learning.
Week 8 - Culture Slides
This week the children started our new inquiry My World. They worked alongside a buddy to create a slide.
Merry Christmas and the last blog post ever
Well the time has come to say goodbye to my blog. I started this blog in March of 2017 when I moved into Room 11 to keep my families in t...

Click on the link to our book... We are so proud of it!!! The Best Part of Me Room 11 book link
This week during Literacy we listened to the story of the Ugly Duckling. Here is a version of the story you might like to listen to again. ...
We have been learning about mediation. We learnt that conflict is a normal part of life. It is how we deal with it that is the most import...